First Half Overview 2024!
This summer we have already seen the Lord working in powerful ways, teaching Campers that true glory is found in Jesus Christ alone. From morning Bible studies to nightly teaching time, Campers have been transformed through the grace of our Savior. The Glory Days are now and forever!

Glory Days!
390 Campers
trusted in Jesus for the first time!
This is cause for CELEBRATION!!
What does it mean to place your trust in Jesus Christ? Check out this blog to read about the Gospel and salvation!

9.35 ft
Is the record for this summer's highest blob!
Think you can break that record? We're FUAGNEM to see you fly!
Top 5
worship songs sung at Camp this summer!
- Glory Days
- Abide
- Gratitude
- My Lighthouse
- Holy Forever
Check out this playlist to worship at home.

on your favorite Instagram post so far this summer!
Thanks for sharing the love! We are FUAGNEM about T Bar M and we love to see y'all sharing that energy with your friends.$133,173
awarded to Campers' tuitions through our Camper Scholarship program.
We never want finances to be the reason a child doesn't receive the life changing experience of Camp. Your generosity over the years has enabled thousands of Campers to hear the Gospel. Thank you!

1,998 Miles
Traveled to get to Camp!
The record for furthest traveled Camper stretches across the United States to Washington!
Who will win the summer?

Say So
"I never thought this would be a yearly rhythm for our family, but our girls love T Bar M so much it will now be a yearly rhythm until the end.”
- The Trbovich Family

Camp Store Swag
So far this summer Pit Viper glasses have been the most popular item in the T Bar M Camp Store! Why? Check out this video!