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Through Our Gates


Running the Race

There is a race run at Camp Travis each Wednesday of the summer. In looking through the epic photos, we can't help but see God's Word coming alive. And if we listen closely enough, we see how it reminds us how to run the race we are in daily (just with less mud ... hopefully). […]
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We are all on a journey

Braxton Zella, former Camper, Coach, and Director encourages and challenges us while sharing his journey and the impact T Bar M has had in his life. "We’re all on a journey. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan illustrates this journey by telling the story of a traveler or pilgrim in a foreign land heading toward […]
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In the Glory Days

Each week, we see many of YOU, former T Bar M Campers and Coaches, bringing your Campers (and we are banking on future Coaches) through the Gates. Sure, we reminisce about the "good ol' days" ... pointing out what cabin we were in, talking about the "walk to the dock" before there were stairs, laughing […]
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T Bar M Discipleship Team

Most young adults are going through a period of studying, learning, and training for their lives in the workforce. But what about our walk with Jesus? What ways are young adults are studying, learning, and training for their lives as followers of Jesus? For over 25 years, the Timothy Team has been helping young adults […]
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What is the Gospel?

What did we teach your Camper? What does it mean to "accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior"? The Creator of the universe has revealed Himself to humanity as the one true God. He revealed Himself generally through His creation, but specifically through His words spoken through His prophets written down and contained in what […]
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Home Sweet Camp

It feels a bit like Thanksgiving as we gathered with our Alumni families before they dropped off their kids at Base Camp. It makes sense: We are family. In one area, there was a kids table and an adult table. At all the tables you heard laughter, telling stories of "remember when", and catching up […]
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The Picture Behind My Desk

You might remember him as Super Mike ... the families at Prestonwood Schools know him as Superintendent. Mike Goddard shares how his days at T Bar M were used to shape him as he continues to run fast after Christ in the field of Education. "After serving as a Coach and in Leadership in college at Camp, […]
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Iron Sharpens Iron

Working at T Bar M brings a lot of intangible benefits that help make up for the low pay and plastic mattresses for a summer.  We all walked away with: ...a deeper love for the Lord,...heightened work ethic,...great memories,...changed lives. The Lord changed our lives through the people we served alongside. Those people, those relationships, […]
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Hoops for Hope

It has always been a prayer at T Bar M that those whose life was changed by Jesus while serving at Camp, would go and make an impact wherever they land. Like many others, Jason Phillips is doing just that. The summers of 1994-1996, you would find Jason Phillips with a basketball in hand, smile […]
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Bringing others to Jesus

Four Guys ... four faithful friends experienced something that they wanted their buddy to experience. Though there was a bit of a physical challenge to get him there, that didn’t stop them from loading up their friend who could not walk and taking him to Jesus. Not near Jesus, but TO Jesus. They lowered their […]
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Relationships Matter

I was having lunch with a friend last week, and we were both relating over how God uses Camp to bring people into our lives who better us. She said, “There is something just different about Camp friendships.” I couldn’t agree more. As summer is up to bat, I find myself wanting every Coach to […]
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Bring a friend to Camp!

With the days getting warmer and the sun setting later, it sure does make us wish for the summer days to arrive! Moms thinking about slower mornings, not packing lunches and no homework. Kids thinking about playing late into the evening, not eating at school, and no homework. And Camp. Summer approaching makes us think […]
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Glory Days

The days we remember that shaped us, the day we are living in right now and all the days to follow ... we will rally this summer around what God does in our ... GLORY DAYS. As adults, feelings of nostalgia about years past when we were younger, a few pounds lighter, and unencumbered by […]
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Let's get to work!

I didn't know the value of good o manual labor until that first Training Camp at T Bar M in 1993, but it did set foundations that I continue to use today. The outcome of two hours of painting fences and moving rocks was quite more than two checks on the "to do" list. It […]
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Never Give Up

They say a picture says a thousand words. And this one sure does. Paige (Nowlin) and Hudson High, lifetime campers as well as Coaches, would never have dreamed they would be standing in the T Bar M gym with their own kiddoes back when they were campers in the very same space.  Yet, there they were … […]
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Earning Points for Your Team

Earning point in FUAGNEM February is a lot easier than you think ... applying the rhythms of our summers or years at T Bar M into our everyday life. We sit and eat with our friends. We strive to huddle up as a family at the end of a day, even if it’s only to […]
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Home from Maui!

The Timothy Team has arrived home from Maui! The second half of our trip to Maui was full of lots of work & even more fun! We spent a few more days on the farm, turning trimmings of their plants into new ones that will beautify new housing developments for families displaced as a result […]
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Hello From Maui!

Timothy Team 28 Says Hello From Maui! Over the past few days on the island, our team has been blessed with a variety of opportunities to serve the people of Maui. We’ve been staying and working on a family-operated farm that produces bananas, coconuts, guavas, lilikoi (passionfruit), avocados, and more. The property is a busy […]
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The T Bar M Family

It's a good family to be a part of. A really good one. As 270 plus alumni gathered two Saturdays ago to pray for and support Jen and Cole Adams before Layne's Celebration of Life service, we could not deny the JOY that was in that room. Even in the midst of hard things, there […]
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Huddle Up!

Huddle Up, Folks. We have a challenge for you.  In February, we are calling for a competition that only T Bar M Alumni can handle. Sure, you might need to knock off the cobwebs to remember the cheers. (Here's some help: A-L-P-H-A, Alpha, Alpha all the way! O-Omega, Mighty, Mighty Omega!)  It will be a competition that […]
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Thank you Lord ... this much!

How to be thankful ... in ALL circumstances. Thanksgiving has always been one of those holidays that I tend to brush over…it’s a warmup for Christmas, right?  Family getting together, eating huge meals, holiday hours of sleep, and seriously…Christmas has gifts…that’s next level. Thanksgiving, I mean…yeah, I’m thankful…but am I really?  I find myself in a […]
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Welcome Home, Alumni

Saying "welcome home" as YOU walk through the gate, sure puts a smile on our face!  It gives you the opportunity to perhaps step back in time a bit to remember how God met you and shaped you while you spent part of your summer or part of your year at T Bar M. Glenn […]
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The heart behind our Camp store

T Bar M Camp Store has heart ... and great gifts! We are excited to announce we have a new team in the Camp Store. They are not new to T Bar M! Sarah has been serving at T Bar M since 2013, starting as a coach and then joining full time staff. Megan served […]
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What Does a Camp Director Do All Year?

What does a Camp Director do all year? I love my job.   I don't know how many people can say that. I imagine there are a lot of people who like their job. But actually love their job? I think I'm definitely in the minority on that one. And you're probably saying to yourself, "Yeah Chris, real […]
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