On October 7th, 2024, we gathered for the 3rd Annual T Bar M Classic - and what a day it was! With over 90 golfers coming together to enjoy some friendly competition and support a cause close to our hearts, the energy was high at Kissing Tree Golf Club.

Thanks to the generosity of our players, sponsors, and donors, an incredible $93,000 for our Campership Fund. These funds will make it possible for even more kids to experience the life-changing impact of Camp: A place where they’ll grow in their faith, deepen friendships, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

From the moment our golfers hit the course to the final putt, the atmosphere was filled with camaraderie, laughter, and a shared purpose. Teams teed off and had some fun along the journey with holes featuring a ball launcher, skit clothes, and a hole-in-one contest. There were plenty of moments that reminded us that while golf is fun, this tournament is about so much more.

We have the privilege of serving with our time, our talent, and our treasures. All are given to us by God to invest in His Kingdom. To our players and sponsors, thank you for serving T Bar M Campers with all three.

Time: Busy lives and busy schedules often present challenges to gathering, so thank you for spending the day with us on the course.

Talent: Thank you for connecting us to those who joined The Classic and for connecting us to families who may benefit from Scholarships.

Treasure: You helped raise $93,000 for the Camper Scholarship Fund in one day! Your treasures will go directly to helping send a child to Camp who would not be able to come without your support.

Events like the T Bar M Classic are only possible because of the amazing support from sponsors, players, and everyone who believes in the impact of a week at Camp. Your participation doesn’t just make the day a success - it makes Camp possible for so many kids who otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to come. If you would like to continue supporting Camper Scholarships or know someone who would, find out more here.

Special shoutout to our title sponsor, Keith Wing Custom Builders, and all the incredible teams who made this event one to remember. Your generosity and enthusiasm have made a tangible impact, and we can’t thank you enough for partnering with us in this mission. Check out all our amazing sponsors here.

As we wrap up another successful T Bar M Classic, we’re already looking forward to next year’s tournament. Until then, we celebrate the amazing results of this year and the countless lives that will be changed because of it.

Thank you for making the 3rd Annual T Bar M Classic one for the books!

Where Love and Camp Meet: The Impact of the Campership Fund

At T Bar M, we believe every kid should experience the fun, growth, and deeper faith that Camp brings. Thanks to our Campership Fund, made possible by generous Donors, Campers who might not otherwise have the chance are able to come, play, and experience God in powerful ways.

Life-Changing Moments at Camp

Each scholarship opens the door for Campers to dive into a week filled with new friendships, fun, and Jesus. As one Base Camper shared, “I love that I get to grow my faith in God. Thank you for getting me to Camp!” It’s not just about the activities - it’s about hearts being shaped for eternity.

Another Camper expressed, “My favorite thing was Trail Guide because I got close to God and learned memory verses.” Whether it’s learning about Jesus or conquering the blob, Camp is full of moments that last far beyond their time with us.

Community that Transforms

At Camp Travis, the impact goes even deeper. One Camper shared, “At Camp, I learned and grew to walk the way Jesus did, to not live for things of this world.” Here, it’s all about the community - believers coming together, encouraging one another, and building lifelong relationships rooted in faith.

For many, T Bar M becomes a second home. One Camper reflected, “Camp Travis truly is like home to me.” That sense of belonging and spiritual growth is what makes T Bar M special: Campers leave different than they came, carrying the love of Christ with them.

Your Gift, Their Growth

Thanks to the Campership Fund, stories like these happen every summer. A Camper shared, “No matter how broken you are in life, my Father will pick me up and help shape me to be a citizen of heaven.” That’s the kind of transformation your generosity makes possible!

If you want to be part of this life-changing impact, consider supporting the Campership Fund here or learn more about The Classic, one of the events that helps make camp possible for so many

Earning point in FUAGNEM February is a lot easier than you think ... applying the rhythms of our summers or years at T Bar M into our everyday life.

We sit and eat with our friends.
We strive to huddle up as a family at the end of a day, even if it’s only to talk through hard things.
We take our neighbors trash can in.
We for sure eat at Chick-fil-A. (Surely that’s the yellow meal)
We text each other encouraging things … sometimes.
We find ourselves telling our kids about how we used to have 12 kids that cleaned cabins.
We get excited when we see our own kid apply to Work Crew or to be a Coach.
We tell others about what God is doing in our lives and listen as they do the same.

And if it's not those things... it’s time to grab those camo pants, cue the Mission Impossible music and start.

It will make your days better and help YOUR team win. (Motivator: Looks like the Alphas have the lead now!)

Download this score sheet. Tape it to your fridge, put it in your car, place it in the middle of the table. Use these categories to have high connection, silly moments and fun with your friends, roommates, and family. Simply keep a tally mark of each time you do one of the tasks, tally it up, and send it to alumni@tbarm.org by February 29th (yep, we have an extra day to "Don't Waste Fun" this year).

The WINNER of this Alumni Competition plus the Summer 2024 Summer Theme will be announced on March 1st.

I know, you can't wait. Me Either
- Kelli Boyd + Your T Bar M Family

The Timothy Team has arrived home from Maui!

The second half of our trip to Maui was full of lots of work & even more fun! We spent a few more days on the farm, turning trimmings of their plants into new ones that will beautify new housing developments for families displaced as a result of the August fires. With an eventual plant total of around 1,500, it was incredibly rewarding to see the products of our hard work on this project begin to be delivered to the farm’s church partner. We also spent more time at the distribution center unpacking, processing, and organizing shipping containers full of new donations. A few of us were able to lead high schoolers in a nursing program through team-building games.  

We also left plenty of time for rest & play, spending most of our evenings watching the sunset from the beach. On Sunday, we went back to Hope Chapel to join our friends for worship & teaching. We were also able to eat our lunch there, supporting their youth ministry in sending their students to camp this summer! On Sunday afternoon, we did some souvenir shopping, played beach volleyball, and spent hours in the ocean with Hope Chapel’s young adult ministry. Monday was our last day on the island, and we spent the day on a boat tour snorkeling and whale watching.

Each night we spent the last moments of the evening discussing the moments of that day where we saw God move. Between our work on the farm, conversations at the distribution center, moments of wonder at God’s creation, and more, it was clear that God met each one of us in a unique way on our trip. Through our service, hard work, fun, and fellowship, God used our time in Maui not only to bring hope, healing, and the light of Christ into a dark situation, but to draw near to each of us. We are so, so thankful for all of the prayers, planning, and financial support that made our time in Maui possible!!

Love God, Love Others,

Claire + The Timothy Team

Timothy Team 28 Says Hello From Maui!

Over the past few days on the island, our team has been blessed with a variety of opportunities to serve the people of Maui.

We’ve been staying and working on a family-operated farm that produces bananas, coconuts, guavas, lilikoi (passionfruit), avocados, and more. The property is a busy place full of family members, interns, guests, rams, sheep, chickens, and cats. Along with a few other projects around the farm, we’ve spent most of our time over the past few days planting ferns, parrot beak heliconias, coconuts, and paikas in portable bags to be distributed to some of the farm’s ministry partners. Eventually, these bags will be replanted in new housing developments for families displaced by the devastating fires in August of last year. Our final count came out to around 900 plants, and it was so exciting to see the Lord use the work of our many hands to bring forth life & beauty that will long outlast our short stay on the island.

On Wednesday night, we spent time with the young adults of Hope Chapel Church, joining them for worship and leading them in a few of our favorite team building games. It was so much fun to befriend some of our peers here on the island and share some of what we do every day in New Braunfels with them.

On Thursday, we were able to send a group to serve at a distribution center organizing boxes full of food, bedding, and personal care products for those in need as a result of the fires. It was so exciting to be able to serve those families in such a tangible way.  

We’ve been blessed to hear from a few of our friends here that our work has been an answered prayer for them, and we’re so excited to see what else God has in store for us in our remaining time on Maui!!

We are so thankful for all of the prayers and support of our friends, family, and the T Bar M community. This trip couldn’t have happened without you!

- Claire + Timothy Team 28

It's a good family to be a part of. A really good one.

As 270 plus alumni gathered two Saturdays ago to pray for and support Jen and Cole Adams before Layne's Celebration of Life service, we could not deny the JOY that was in that room. Even in the midst of hard things, there was a joy and peace that only comes from Christ. Glen Stern said years ago, "There is going to be a room in heaven that's a bit louder and tighter than the others. People are going to wonder who is in there. 'Oh, that's the T Bar M Family', they will say."   

The family that we are a part of began when we walked through the gates of T Bar M, stood in a circle at Training Camp, hauled rocks with a new friend during Hi Hos, shared our stories with one another, prayed for the campers we longed to know Jesus, and laughed, cried, and encouraged one another for the weeks or years we served our Father together.    
Those are the days, weeks, years that shaped us each in some way, and we want to put into action what God did and continues to do in us.

So, let's do it ... the whole month of February! Let's connect, let's laugh, let's impact our hearts, homes and communities. And let's see who wins at it all ... Alphas or Omegas!

Check out all the details of FUAGNEM February: How to connect others, how to compete for your team (ALPHA or OMEGA), and how to follow and add to the excitement here at T Bar M.

A few of our young professional Alumni in Austin have created a video to get YOU Fired Up.

Huddle Up, Folks. We have a challenge for you. 

In February, we are calling for a competition that only T Bar M Alumni can handle. Sure, you might need to knock off the cobwebs to remember the cheers. (Here's some help: A-L-P-H-A, Alpha, Alpha all the way! O-Omega, Mighty, Mighty Omega!) 

It will be a competition that will take you right back to the days of your time at T Bar M. We have compiled the everyday things of being a coach that YOU can put into your life right now, right where you are.  But of course, we will wrap it up in one big competition between the Alphas and the Omegas.  Fact is, we still abide by the #1 rule of camp: Don't Waste Fun! 

There's no doubt God changed us through our experiences at T Bar M.  Encouraging one another, circling up in a huddle or covenant group, sharing our stories, and basking in traditions (yes, traditions) were used then and can most certainly be used now. 

We cannot wait to connect with you, compete with (or against) you, and share what the Lord continues to do in and through T Bar M! 

So, let's get FUAGNEM (Fired Up and Going Nuts Every Minute) ... even if it's at a slower pace for a few of us. 

The Details

Who can compete? Anyone and everyone that has served at T Bar M. 

Where will you compete?  In your home, your office, your town. Anywhere! 

How will you compete?  The following categories will have simple, purposeful (& maybe a bit crazy) tasks for you to complete.  Encouragement, huddle, testimony, coaches, tradition, hi-hos and future FUAGNEM.  

A downloadable scorecard will be turned in at the end of February. 

Why compete?  For fun. To gather. To represent Alpha or Omega for the bragging rights of the Alumni Score on the summer board! 

What can I do to prepare for such a worthy competition? 
1. Stretch (I’m looking at y’all from the early 90’s). 
2. Pull out your red or blue best. 
3, Recruit your fellow coaches.   
4. Be Ready2Go! 

Full details are coming to you in an email on January 13th. 

How to be thankful ... in ALL circumstances.

Thanksgiving has always been one of those holidays that I tend to brush over…it’s a warmup for Christmas, right?  Family getting together, eating huge meals, holiday hours of sleep, and seriously…Christmas has gifts…that’s next level. Thanksgiving, I mean…yeah, I’m thankful…but am I really? 

I find myself in a little different headspace and heart space this year around this time. I don’t know how much you know or may have heard about the Adams fam’s last couple of years…but to say, “we have so much to be thankful for…” is an understatement. 

As we look back three years, this journey began with two strokes, two knee surgeries, and a long recovery for my myself and my middle son. The word "hard" comes quickly to mind. But not as challenging as the next curve in the road. In November 2022, our oldest son suffered a life-threatening accident where he experienced a tremendous fall after coming into contact with 7,200 volts of electricity. There's an incredible God story in all of this; but suffice it to say we were on yet another long road to recovery.

Looking back over that list, the Lord's faithfulness and grace are so apparent in so many ways. I am humbled to say, we are all upright and even getting back to "normal". There really is so much to be thankful for. But man, when you are in it, it is so hard to really have a heart of gratitude.

I came across this article Billy Graham wrote back in November of 2021. It was really encouraging (and convicting!). I want to share a couple of my takeaways (let's call them "Cole's notes" instead of Cliff's notes) and the biblical references the reverend used… I hope it is inspiring to you as well:






May it be said of us that we are “always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20, NIV)… on Thanksgiving Day AND every day! 

P.S. We might have not moved the same rocks at the same T Bar M training camp “Hi-Ho”, but we have done the same hard work of “lovin’ on kids for Christ” as alumni, and we serve the same Lord.  If you ever want to get together to have coffee and talk over the hard things that you are fighting to be thankful for… hollar. We have had some good practice on giving thanks in ALL circumstances. So tough, and so worth it.

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good.  



 Our daughter, put this video together if you want to see what God can do in an incredible situation.

Saying "welcome home" as YOU walk through the gate, sure puts a smile on our face! 

It gives you the opportunity to perhaps step back in time a bit to remember how God met you and shaped you while you spent part of your summer or part of your year at T Bar M.

Glenn Stern (former camper, coach) said it well as he picked up his daughter from Camp Travis, "There is something about being here that reminds you who God created you to be."   

It gives us all the opportunity to see the continuation of God's story in your life, cheer for you, pray for you and give you a bit of respite.

We saw a whole lot of that this month as we welcomed many alumni.  Will Washington, speaking to a group of University of Texas Students, Emma Dotter & the Join the Journey team embarking on a weekend of team building, Andy Zinkgraf checking out school space for a retreat, or John Boudreaux, Garrett Newsom, Ana, Brett, and Bonnie coming with a family CRU weekend. It was a JOY to see you each serving the Lord in so many capacities.

So, don't hesitate to stop by when you drive through New Braunfels or Spicewood, or come with a group. You can bet we are going to be looking forward to seeing you!

(psst ... we are about to have some super fun opportunities to welcome you back to camp ... stay tuned!)

Christy, Cyndea & Jamie: Three WOGS & their 11 MAC sons!

T Bar M Camp Store has heart ... and great gifts!

We are excited to announce we have a new team in the Camp Store. They are not new to T Bar M! Sarah has been serving at T Bar M since 2013, starting as a coach and then joining full time staff. Megan served on our Day Camp team and has just recently come back to join our full time staff.

The joy that comes in the logistics of running the Camp Store is found as they provide products to help people remember what God did in their hearts while at T Bar M! We all know that to be true. You throw on your favorite hat or t-shirt and think of the place where you laughed so hard it was healing or met with Jesus in a way that you can't forget. You kick back in your Eno hammock or Crazy Creek and think about sitting still at a place where your heart finds respite. These "things" bring us back to an eternal moment.  

While you are beginning (or maybe wrapping up) your shopping for the holidays ... we have some goodies that will spark the warmth of summer in the chill of winter to put under your tree. From stocking stuffers to a gift that will cause a pause, our desire is that these items will be a reminder of God’s faithfulness and spark conversations about all the ways you saw God move at T Bar M.

Check out the T Bar M Camp Store here.