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Hello From Maui!

Timothy Team 28 Says Hello From Maui!

Over the past few days on the island, our team has been blessed with a variety of opportunities to serve the people of Maui.

We’ve been staying and working on a family-operated farm that produces bananas, coconuts, guavas, lilikoi (passionfruit), avocados, and more. The property is a busy place full of family members, interns, guests, rams, sheep, chickens, and cats. Along with a few other projects around the farm, we’ve spent most of our time over the past few days planting ferns, parrot beak heliconias, coconuts, and paikas in portable bags to be distributed to some of the farm’s ministry partners. Eventually, these bags will be replanted in new housing developments for families displaced by the devastating fires in August of last year. Our final count came out to around 900 plants, and it was so exciting to see the Lord use the work of our many hands to bring forth life & beauty that will long outlast our short stay on the island.

On Wednesday night, we spent time with the young adults of Hope Chapel Church, joining them for worship and leading them in a few of our favorite team building games. It was so much fun to befriend some of our peers here on the island and share some of what we do every day in New Braunfels with them.

On Thursday, we were able to send a group to serve at a distribution center organizing boxes full of food, bedding, and personal care products for those in need as a result of the fires. It was so exciting to be able to serve those families in such a tangible way.  

We’ve been blessed to hear from a few of our friends here that our work has been an answered prayer for them, and we’re so excited to see what else God has in store for us in our remaining time on Maui!!

We are so thankful for all of the prayers and support of our friends, family, and the T Bar M community. This trip couldn’t have happened without you!

- Claire + Timothy Team 28

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