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Bring a friend to Camp!

With the days getting warmer and the sun setting later, it sure does make us wish for the summer days to arrive! Moms thinking about slower mornings, not packing lunches and no homework. Kids thinking about playing late into the evening, not eating at school, and no homework.

And Camp. Summer approaching makes us think about Camp.

T Bar M Camper (and Alumni kiddo), Campbell, thinks about the friends, the fun, and all she gets to do at Camp. There is a smile on her face that shows she can't wait to be back to Base Camp in June ... with friends, yellow meal, and no homework!

There is a bit more she is excited about ... Campbell's friend is joining her at Camp for the first time this summer. She can't wait for Leah to experience the "fun and exciting (and awesome) week because you get to have so much fun while you learn about God." (She's also pretty pumped about her friend doing the high ropes course too!)

Experiencing Jesus wrapped up in all the fun, has her counting the days to this summer, but remembering how she felt about God at Camp has her thinking about last summer. "For me, it's different at Camp, being cheered on and encouraged by the Coaches all the time is just good to be around. God uses it to help us in our homes, with our friends, and at school."

Coming back summer after summer, yields another sweetness: Camp Friends. Another friend, Kallie, (& Alumni kiddo) and Campbell have come to camp before together. "I love it because I don't get to see her except at Camp, and when we are together, we go BIG with everything ... playing together, worshipping together, playing together. We go all in!"

There is indeed something sweet about going to camp. A home away from home with new friends and old friends that form family for a week ... and longer.

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The 3rd Annual T Bar M Classic

On October 7th, 2024, we gathered for the 3rd Annual T Bar M Classic - and what a day it was! With over 90 golfers coming together to enjoy some friendly competition and support a cause close to our hearts, the energy was high at Kissing Tree Golf Club. Thanks to the generosity of our […]
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Where Love and Camp Meet: The Impact of the Campership Fund At T Bar M, we believe every kid should experience the fun, growth, and deeper faith that Camp brings. Thanks to our Campership Fund, made possible by generous Donors, Campers who might not otherwise have the chance are able to come, play, and experience […]
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What I Discovered This Summer

30 people. 8 churches. 6 vehicles. 1 mission. 3 things I discovered along the way.   "This summer, the Discover Camp team was sent out on mission in the great state of Texas for the 9th time! In case you are unfamiliar, Discover Camp is our traveling Day Camp program that partners with local churches to […]
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T Bar M?
Give your child the gift of a lifetime and sign up for a summer of adventure, growth, and unforgettable memories!