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Running the Race

There is a race run at Camp Travis each Wednesday of the summer. In looking through the epic photos, we can't help but see God's Word coming alive. And if we listen closely enough, we see how it reminds us how to run the race we are in daily (just with less mud ... hopefully).

The course is set for the Dual Dash. Partners are tethered together. The Start is lined with those cheering. The bibs are on. The hearts are pumping. It's time to run the race.

Some Campers are all in to compete. Some step in hesitantly perhaps, pushed by a bit of FOMO. Some are convinced by a Camper or Coach who believe in them. And some don't know how they got to the starting line. But they are all there. They are all about to compete in the Dual Dash.

As those competing line up, the other half is lining the sidelines. They are waiting for their heat, their time to run. Their waiting is productive as they hand out water and cheer on those taking the next hard steps in the race.

They are an important part of the event, the morning, and the experience, there is no doubt in that.

As an adult, you see the photos of the race and think about how much fun these Campers are having, how proud you are of them for doing this hard thing and how there is NO way you could ever do such a race at your current age.

And then you lean back in your chair and let your mind settle in and you see those photos transform into the race you are running right now. The race that the Lord has put in front of you ... your life.

Like the Campers at the mud obstacle, some look all in ready to go. Some look hesitant and timidly taking the next step. And some look like they tripped right into the situation. Our days have hard, messy things in them. Sometimes we feel strong enough, in step enough, with the Lord to dive straight in. While other times, we timidly take the step with The One (God) we are tethered to, and realistically sometimes, we feel thrown into the race, not really ready.

In the same way our Travis Campers do, we keep going, taking the next wise step. Sure, sometimes we feel like God is pulling us faster than we wish, and that's why we tether ourselves to Him. We scale the hard climb, we lift the heavy burden, we move through the obstacles and when the time is right, we cheer on the ones in the race.

Those competing take step after step to get to one place. The finish line.

And we are doing the same, tethered to our Author and Perfecter of our faith, we take one hard climb, one burden carried, one more obstacle.

It's worth every step, our finish line is Heaven! And as hyped as a Camp Travis Finish Line party is ... Heaven is going to be even better. And there we get to give God all the Glory!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrews 12:1-2

And sometimes ... we just need to suit up in the right way for the race ... at least at Camp Travis we do!

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